Anyone Remember No9
The first bend at Nelson has seen better days! Nearly 60 years ago this little loved track was the test bed for the new junior division that would play a huge part in Speedway's Golden Seventies. A short season in autumn 1967 paved the way for a ten team Second Division the following year.

Nelson’s short season was probably fortuitous. Had it run longer then crowds may well have dwindled, but their five meetings fired the imagination of promoters throughout Britain and the Second Division became a reality the following year. Nelson had shown that tracks could be established on virgin territory and Berwick, Canterbury and Reading followed suit. Parker used his Nelson model of running speedway and stockcars on alternate weeks as the basis for bringing speedway back to Crayford after a long absence.
Happily Ever After?
Rather ironically, although the Second Division was a huge success and ultimately gave speedway a huge boost, Nelson, the true pioneer, never really flourished and Parker, ever alert to a shrewd move, joined forces with Glasgow’s Les Whaley to take the Admirals to Bradford.
Really we owe the place a huge debt of gratitude
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