Letters - November

Mark mentioned that there were only six riders in history with surname beginning with Q.

Strangely, he names only five (Steve Quick; Cyril Quick; Allan Quinn; Cyril Quick; Aston Quin) with a suggestion that another rider Paul Quarterman does not count as he was only a junior. I assume that the un-named rider was Chris (wall of death) Quigley who rode for Berwick and Glasgow in the 1970s. Always exciting, Chris once managed to edge out to the fence at Coatbridge for some extra grip, ran up the fence and bravely (or foolishly) hung on as the bike executed a wall of death around the 3/4" plywood boards before exiting over the top and landing amongst some junior riders warming up bikes at the exit to the second bend. Chris was uninjured and the juniors learned another line to avoid on the first and second bend.


Ross Dow

Thanks Ross. Yes Chris Quigley was the final member of the Club of Six, joining 50 years ago. Interesting that Tony Rickardsson would emulate the wall of death ride at a Cardiff GP many years later,.

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