Guests and RR -1970 version

While fans of today bemoan the frequent use of guests and Rider Replacement, Doug Nicolson points out that it wasnt much different, and indeed possibly worse for Glasgow's meetings at Hampden in 1970.

While Sheffield and Halifax were both missing heat leaders in the opening two meetings at Hampden , they were both challenge meetings. However Glasgow's cause was helped by the substitutes scoring less than the total that could be expected from the absent rider. The boot was on the other foot when Swindon came visiting a few weeks later, a meeting that Charlie Monk missed as he was on international duty for Australia that night. Tigers brought in Arnold Haley as a guest, remembering his 12 points score in the season opener. Sadly, he couldn’t repeat this performance and surely Monk would easily have bettered the five points he contributed to the Tigers cause as the Tigers were held to a draw, the only home point dropped that season.

Newcastle and Hackney were both missing their number ones, with Swedes Bengt Jansson and Anders Michanek being required back home and RR produced paltry returns of five and four. Two more Swedes were absent , meaning all four home meetings in May we affected with Haley covering fairly effectively for Wembley's Fundin with Harkins possibly less so when replacing Sjiosten.  Hasse Holmquist was another Swede to miss Hampden. This time an unexpected "no show " for the GB v Sweden test match. Seems he didnt fancy travelling north just to be a reserve,. He was disciplined for being AWOL by the Swedish authorities.

Bill Andrew was another unexpected no show while Ole Olsen didnt want  to come to Glasgow, preferring to make an  early trip to Leningrad for the  European Final to ensure he  arrived in Russia in good time. Wolves acceded to his demands and used a reserve replacement which saw Gary Petersen being brought into the side. This was not great value for the Glasgow punters, resulting in a pretty dire meeting.

. To promoter Whaley’s disgust Anders Michanek, originally scheduled to be riding in the Northern Riders qualifying round, had to return to Sweden for a meeting there. Whaley had already raised the matter of heatleaders, most often Swedish, not making an appearance in Glasgow and vowed to continue kicking up a fuss until he got satisfaction. Not sure that he did!

Wimbledon’s fixture at Hampden had been moved from early August to accommodate the football requirements at the stadium and thereby hangs a tale or two. Dons had replacements for Ronnie Moore (injured) and Trevor Hedge (travelling to Poland for the World Final). Initial plans were for Jim Airey and Eric Boocock to cover these absences, but it turned out that Airey’s average was too high and eventually Arnold Haley took his place. However, Boocock didn’t arrive and when phoned at home explained he hadn’t received any booking for the meeting. The Dons were forced to borrow Glasgow junior Brian Murray, hardly a like for like replacement but made a fist of the meeting before going down 43-35. Surely   the understrength Dons  would s have won had Boocock been in the side.

The season ended as it had started with guests being used in a challenge meeting. Jim McMillan and Oyvind Berg were both on the injured list and to no ones great surprise Michanek again was missing. 


Date Opponents Absentee Covered By Pts Scored
Mar 27 Sheffield (Ch) Jim Airey Rider Replacement 7
Apr 3 Halifax (Ch) Dave Younghusband Bengt Larsson 6
Apr 17 Swindon Charlie Monk ** Arnold Haley 5+2
May 8 Newcastle Anders Michanek Rider Replacement 5+1
May 15 Hackney Bengt Jansson Rider Replacement 4+1
May 22 Wembley Ove Fundin Arnold Haley 9+1
May 29 Belle Vue Soren Sjosten Bert Harkins 6
June 12 Halifax Les Sharpe Bob Jameson 2
Jul 3 GB v Sweden Hasse Holmquist No Rider N/A
Jul 16 Wolverhampton Ole Olsen Gary Petersen 6
Jul 31 Newport Bill Andrew Reserve Replacement 4
Aug 14 Northern Riders QR Anders Michanek No show N/A
Aug 21 West Ham Depleted after Lokeren Storer and Hart
Aug 28 Scotianapolis Steve Bass Dave Gifford 4
Sep 4 Wimbledon Ronnie Moore Brian Murray 0
Sep 4 Wimbledon Trevor Hedge Arnold Haley 11
Oct 2 Newcastle (Ch) Anders Michanek Tommy Roper 5
Oct 2 Newcastle (Ch) Jim McMillan ** Bengt Larsson 8
Oct 2 Newcastle (Ch) oyvind Berg ** Alan Jay 6+2
** Tiger absent